That's right ladies (and gents? maybe?) I'm doing my first ever giveaway!
If there is one thing I love, it's getting free things. But, I couldn't decide what to give away. I've got way too many styles and print choices that might not tickle everyone's fancy... So, how about a gift certificate? The winner of this blog giveaway will receive a $20 gift certificate that can be used on the Dismantled Fashions Etsy shop, or DismantledFashions.com
Want in? Of course you do! Here's the nitty gritty..
- Go to my website or Etsy shop, look around, and come back and comment with your favorite item.
One entry not enough? Each of these count as one more...
- Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway.
- Post a bulletin on Myspace about it.
- Blog about it! (I'll also love you extra for that)
- Add the brand spankin' new Dismantled Fashions Facebook Fan Page
The contest will run from June 18th - June 29th. The winner will be chosen randomly by random.org on the 30th of June. Please leave your email with your comments so you can be notified of winning. If you don't get back to me in 24 hours, I'll choose someone else. So check that email, baby!
Thanks for entering and good luck dahlin!
Wow, I can't believe I didn't find you sooner. I love your styles. I think my favorite item is Miss Sassy Dress with Pink Calaveras. I love El Dia de los Muertos!!!
You know me, I am in love with the Blue Dots Sailor Skirt. I can't wait to make some bank and get it!
I'm following you on Twitter and I tweeted about you! (Chanmeleon)
I posted a bulletin for both my It's A Swindle Accessories myspace and the Bitches Sew Stitches myspace. I figured the BSS one would get you alot of views!
I posted about you on twitter as TheMeggers!
And I am your fan of Facebook as Megan Rosenberg.
hahah LOve your stuff...I was one of the first fans on your Face Book Group yay!!!! avental@hotmail.com
Oh....I want to say I also love love love the sailor skirt !!!!! I plan on adding it to my growing collection!!!! avental@hotmail.com
I am a fan of yours on Facebook. You can find me at facebook.com/chanmeleon
Red and Polka Dots Cha Cha Skirt is my favorite of all!
It's really hard to decide which of your products I consider my favorite. There's the Skeleton Hands Skirt which is hilarious, and what makes life better than a good laugh? Then there's the Tattoo Flash Catie May Dress & the Doghouse Pencil Skirt because ink & music always are a must. I guess if I had to choose the Skull & Roses Catie May Dress would be considered my favorite just because I've always loved that fabic, I have a nice fat quarter of it at home waiting to find the perfect home and it shows the right amounts of horror, sass, and trash! Emily you are great and never stop what you're doing because if you ever did the world will be too short of hot ass threads!
couldn't let this chance go to waste! i have been all about your pencil skirts since i first laid eyes on them....they are so cute and classy! alas, finances have kept me from my dream of owning one, but if the random-pick gods would choose me as their winner, all of my pencil skirt dreams could come true. so pick me, dammit :D
OMG the Blue Dots Sailor Skirt is soo freaking cute!!! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26390902
Love it!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
What a great contest my favourite is the cherry dress in x large it's sooo pretty.I love all the goodies in your shop and I hope I win.Marian
My favourite item in your fantastic shop is the green bones and bats skirt but it's not in my size.Keeping my fingers crossed that I win great contest.Helen
Count me in..
Well, I couldn't pick just one sooo:
1.red and black polka dot cha cha skirt
2.Doghouse pencil skirt
3. Sailor Girl pencil skirt
4. Black dots catie may dress
Love them all!!!
whereeaglesdareshop at hotmail dot com
Man, that's a hard one... I'm going to have to go with either the Green Bats and Bones skirt, or the Tattoo Flash Catie May dress. I LOVE both!
I am also following you on twitter, and I became a fan of your facebook page!
My favorite is the Sailor Girl Pencil Skirt. My friend Tina has it so I've seen how awesome it is in person.
I became a fan of your facebook page too...
...And I started following you on Twitter and tweeted about this giveaway. My user name is comingup_roses.
My email address is cominguproses@verizon.net. I'm also going go blog about it and myspace bulletin later, I'll comment again when I do.
I love the Sailor Girl Pencil Skirt!
itsonlyjc AT hotmail DOT com
Absolutely love the Blue Dots Sailor Skirt. Apparently I'm not alone!
Also blogged about it here:
Thanks again!
Okay so I guess people should know that your skirts are the best pencil skirts EVER!!!! They fit like a glove and look and feel awesome on....When I received the cha cha skirt in skull and roses...I was sooooo excited, the minute I put it on...I wanted to cry!!! I love love love it!!! I love the way it looks and want to show it off to everyone :) when my husband saw it....I really do think his jaw hit the floor.....I am so happy that I have found Dismantled Fashions and have started to add pieces to my wardrobe. I always check back to see if any new items have been added!!! Keep making us feel sexy!!!
Blogged about the giveaway today for another entry!
whereeaglesdareshop at hotmail dot com
I think my favorite is the Tattoo Flash Dress, so cute with an attitude :)
I like the tattoo flash dress too http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26391281
my daughter has a cloth diaper and matching shirt made out of it.. so clearly I need the matching dress.
also, I added you on twitter (exquisitebones) and will tweet it right now.
Also, I am now a fan on facebook as (mishalla degagne)
and heck I think I will add this to my blog after twitter :D :D
I blogged about your giveaway hun!
I'm in LOVE with the red polka dot cha cha cha skirt.
My absolute favorite, hands down is the Skeleton Hands Skirt!!!! How freakin' cute! I can't wait until I get paid so I can order it ha ha! Keep up the fabulous work, girlfriend! :]
Contact e-mail: Bibbylover03@yahoo.com
Thanks, and good luck ladies :]
I love love love love the Red and Polka Dots Cha Cha Skirt. I keep buying pencil skirts but have been wanting a red or pink one for a while. It's beautiful.
I am in love with everything you dream up but my favorite item would have to be Zebra Catie May Dress or the Cherry Catie May Dress I cant really decide they are both beyond perfection!
I am mentioning your giveaway on my blog very soon.
Take care have a wonderful rest of the week.
So I have now become addicted to Twitter have have been tweet tweeting DF hahaha oh shit, I feel like a freak....I guess that is what happens when I find something I really like and fits like a freakin glove!!!
i started following you on twitter after i bought the doghouse skirt off you. i love it. my other favorite is the sailor skirt that alamilla is modelling.
i added you on my facebook (became a fan).
beladonna999 at gmail . com
I love this one:
The Pencil skirt with bats and bones in medium!!! Too freaking cute! <3
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