Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mehli for Dismantled Fashions

Here are a couple GREAT photos I hadn't had the chance to post until now. I found Miss Mehli (aka Melanie) online as usual, but isn't it just a small world that she lives just an hour away in Richmond! Not only is she the model in the photos, she also runs her own photography company. I love Jills of all Trades, and this lady is no exception. We're already planning our next product shoot together, plus a little pin up with me in front of the camera!

Photography Page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mehli-Photography/161047413956541?fref=ts
Modeling Page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mehli/248539658553134?fref=ts

Red / Solid Black Wiggle and Jive Skirt Available on DismantledFashions.com 

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